There are many good reasons why a call might not be answered. As well as many bad ones. Using Calltracks, you have an excellent tool to give you greater insight than ever before into an area that has been taken for granted by many.
Missed Opportunity
A Missed Opportunity describes a call that was made to your number but was not answered. What if someone wanted information on stock because they needed something right away? What if they wanted to know your opening times? Maybe it was the start of a lucrative business relationship. By not taking that call may have opened you up to losing that customer.
The default date selection for the Missed Opportunities report is the last two weeks.
Looking at the example, you can see that you are given the name of the last Advert (tracking number) they called - they may have tried another number you have advertised somewhere else!
If you click on the caller's number, you can see each call they made.
If you look on the right of each Missed Opportunity, you can see there is an option. Use one of these options to mark how the Missed Opportunity was dealt with.
You can see previous Missed Opportunities that have already been dealt with by clicking on the "Filter" button.
As well as being able to extend the date range, or look at a specific part your business, you can select "Show All?" and it will list the previous Missed Opportunities, including who marked them as either Ignored or Called Back.
The Missed Opportunities report is integrated into each user. If you have the "Send email reminders for missed opportunities?" turned on for you, you will receive an email every 30 minutes telling you there are Missed Opportunities that need seeing to. Have you opened the report and can no longer see an outstanding Missed Opportunity? Remember to click on the "Show All?" and see who beat you to it!
If you are a long time user and receive these emails - remember to extend your date range. You may have one that slipped out of your clutches.
A) Total amount of calls
B) Calls of clients that were missed the first time and called in again
C) Calls that were marked as missed previously and have been called back
D) Calls that have been marked as ignored
E) Current missed opportunities awaiting action
F) Missed opportunities that had no actions in 7 days, and the caller didn't call back
Lost Opportunity
After 7 days, missed opportunities will no longer be classified as missed. They become a Lost Opportunity. This will avoid you having to mark each missed call.
Calltracks now also provides the Missed Opportunities report that has the Lost Opportunities added as a column to allow you to rapidly see and deal with such events, mitigating any potential impact on your business.
PLEASE NOTE: You will continually receive an email notification if you have outstanding missed opportunities. If you are getting emails but the missed opportunity report is showing you have no calls, simply click the filter button and set the start date to the date shown in the body of the email you received. Then click generate report. You will see your older missed opportunities. Once these are cleared you will stop receiving emails.