
Listen to your recorded calls

Listen to calls  

You have the ability to listen to both inbound and outbound calls made by your team.

In order to do is go to Calls - > Inbound Calls or - > Outbound Calls (or to see both click on)- > All Calls.

1) Go to Inbound calls and you will get a list of incoming calls from clients. The same when you click on Outbound calls  but this will show you a list of the calls made by different people within your business.

click ''filter'' at the top to define your search for a specific Inbound or outbound call.

A) Call ID: This is the unique code the system gives to each inbound and outbound call. D) Caller name: This is the name of your (potential) client . Please note that this only works if Calltracks and your company's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system are integrated.
B) From number: This is the number of the person who initiated the call. E) Start date/ End date: Specify the date range you want to capture for these calls to be shown.
C) To number: This is the destination number. F) Once you're happy with your search hit ''Generate Report''.


Example of list of Inbound Calls :


A)  View here your Total number of calls.  F)  Advert description and where is is located in the platform/interface.
B) Percentage of answered calls (in person or by automated system). G) The date and time the call was made.
C) Percentage of calls unanswered or due to busy line. H) The amount of time it took for call to be answered.
D) If you wish to view your Calls live as they come in you can switch this button ''ON'' . I)  Total length of call.
E) This shows which number initialed the call and where the call was delivered to. J) Outcome or current state of call.


K) Click on the  symbol to listen to the call. An audio player section will then appear where you will be able to play the call recording. Details:

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