The call list is a reporting tool within the User Interface. It enables users to create call reports which can be easily exported.
Everytime someone calls a Calltracks tracking number, the call is registered in Calltracks and you can see the details and listen to the recorded call. Clicking on the 'Calls' option will present you with your call list for the month.
Advert is the name you gave to your Calltracks Tracking number. This lets you know, with a glance, what you used the tracking number for.
Time is simply the date and time of the call.
Ring Duration shows how long the caller was waiting for the call to be picked up.
Call Duration shows how long the call was when it was answered.
Status lets you know if a call wasn't answered (Missed), was engaged (Busy) , answered (Answered) or ringing (incoming inbound calls that have not been answered yet at the point we update the ‘Calls Report’).
Tags shows any tags that have been placed against the advert/tracking number, ie: “Call Outcome - Lead”.
Every time someone calls a Calltracks tracking number the call is registered in Calltracks. You will be able to see the details and listen to the recorded call. Clicking on the 'Calls' option will present you with your call list for the month.
Clicking on the Advert name shows you the Calltracks “Tracking number” for that advert, as well as the “Destination Number”.
You will also see a loudspeaker symbol against answered calls. If you can see it, there is an audio recording of the call that you can listen to. Simple click on it to open the player. You can also download the call by clicking on the 'Download' option in the player.
If you want to see a specific set calls, we have provided a 'Filter' to help you see the calls you want. Simply click on the 'Filter' button so you can change your date range; select calls from specific media such as online; press or even search on a specific caller number; or name (if you have the optional CRM integration).