
How to create a reporting segment in Google Analytics

A Segment is a subset of your Analytics data. Segments let you isolate and analyse those subsets of data so you can examine and respond to the component trends in your business.

Segments represent either subsets of sessions or subsets of users.

First you will need to create a new segment and configure it as broadly or narrowly as necessary.  In order to do so, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Open the View whose data you want to analyse.
  2. Click the Reporting tab. You can start with any report.
  3. Click + Add Segment.


You will then have access to the segment builder.

In this particular example, we are going to filter calls with duration less than 1 second, since calls are set up as events in UA, the segment would need to be created based on "Event Category" and "Event Value".

Click on "Conditions" and select:

Event Category contains Offline contact. As the goal was configured.

Event value per hit is more than 1. (This way we will create a segment which excludes every call below 1 second long)

Hit: During a session the user interacts with your property. Each interaction is referred to as a hit.

When you have finished configuring filters, you can preview and test the Segment.

Click Test to see the the percentage of users and sessions that match your Segment filters.

  1. Click Preview to see how the Segment affects the current report. If you don’t see the information you want in the report, you can continue to edit the Segment, and then preview again. (When you click Preview, the Test function is automatically invoked.)
  2. When you’re satisfied that the Segment includes exactly the data you want, click Save to close the Segment builder and apply the Segment to your reports.


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