
How to create a new outbound configuration

Super Admins can create new outbound configurations. In order to administer outbound configurations, this feature has to be activated for the relevant org level. Please request this functionality to your support representative by creating a ticket at

Before starting this process, ensure that the route plan exists, if you wish to send it to a specific location.

Once the feature is activated, you can click in to the relevant campaign and click on "new outbound"

Fill in the relevant fields, select 03 from a mobile or 0808 from a landline


In order to set the relevant restrictions for the outbound configuration, tick the boxes you don't want to allow calls being made to.  The example below allows calls to mobiles destinations and UK Non-Geographic. But it DOESN'T allow calls to International destinations.

Select "Get a new trackable number to display, and attach to a "returned calls" advert".  This will create a new trackable number.

When clicking on "save" you will be provided with a new outbound phone number. You cannot change the outbound number from the UI but you can change the name, restrictions, presentation CLI, and allowed CLIs.   

To give users the ability to use an NTS+PIN configuration, you go to setting -> Users and click the “phone icon”  next to the relevant user, and enable their access to the configuration.



After clicking on “Save all changes” a new pin number will be randomly generated.

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