
How to import the Calltracks Goal into Adwords

Importing the Calltracks goal into Adwords is recommended if you want to see the campaigns which are generating the higher CTR (click through rate) and phone calls.

To import your Calltracks Goal from Google Analytics into AdWords Conversion Tracking, the following conditions must apply:

  • Your Analytics and AdWords accounts are linked. You will need to wait 30 min before importing any goal.
  • You have opted into data sharing in your Analytics account.
  • You have enabled auto-tagging in your AdWords account.
  • On a per-type basis, your Calltracks Goal has received active traffic from an AdWords ad at some point.

To import your Goals:

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account, click the Tools tab, and select Conversions.
  2. Click Google Analytics in the left-hand menu.
  3. Check the boxes next to the goals or transactions you want to import. Click Continue.
  4. On the next page, you will see settings that will apply to all of the Goals or transactions you selected. Select Calltracks goal, then click Import goals.
  5. Click Close, or to import more Goals, click Import more.

AdWords Conversion Tracking starts importing the data from your Analytics account from the day you clicked Import. Historical data from before this date will not be added to conversion tracking. Your Goals will appear alongside your conversion data in your Conversions page and AdWords reports within two days.

When you import a Goal from Analytics into AdWords Conversion Tracking, it will have the same name as it does in Analytics, followed by its view name in parentheses. For example, an Analytics Goal named "Sign Ups" located in a view called "Master View" will be named "Sign Ups (Master View)" in AdWords Conversion Tracking. If you want to change the name of an imported Goal, you need to make the change in Analytics. The change is then reflected in your AdWords account.

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