
GDPR 25 May 2018

Setting the parameter window.calltracksCookiesAllowed = true

The above parameter is polled by Calltracks every 500 milliseconds. So if it is set to true, then Calltracks will install a cookie called calltracksUID. Once this is present, then whenever this cookie is present, Calltracks will track normally, even if the parameter is not set. If, however, this is set to 'false', then when Calltracks polls for this parameter and finds this value, it will delete the calltracksUID cookie, and then tracking will not take effect. 

Remember, if you are storing the visitors preferences upon return to your site, you may want to recall state of window.calltracksCookiesAllowed last used also, and not depend upon the presence of calltracksUID cookie.


Direct javascript controls

The following javascript methods are also available to use providing that the Calltracks javascript has been initialised. These have the same underlying effect as setting the global window.calltracksCookiesAllowed.



Override options

Option 1 

The parameter 'force_tracking=1' can be used when calling the Calltracks 'loader.js' code. This will overwrite any subsequent settings and will ensure that your dynamic numbering will work. However, when you do install user controls, remember to remove this function or any options the user chooses will be ignored. 

Please note: You need not replace the whole java script on your website to use this option, simply add the bold section below to your existing Java script on all pages.

Should you prefer to replace the whole piece of code with this example please replace the word server with what is currently shown in your code. 


Option 2

You may also implement the following via Google Tag Manager:

<script>window.calltracksCookiesAllowed = true</script> 


Example of a consent button that sets tracking allowed:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""</script>
function pollForButton() {
  btn = document.getElementById("cookie-bar-button");
  if(btn == undefined) {
    setTimeout(pollForButton, 100);
  } else {
    btn.onclick = function() { window.calltracksCookiesAllowed = true; };



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