This article will explain and give you guidance on how to find certain advert(s).
Step 1) Log into Calltracks and go to "Campaigns".
Step 2) If you cannot see the options please click the button at the top. This will load the search option fields that will help you find an advert:
Find Advert by:
A) Organisation level - Branch/Department/Location within your business structure
Campaign name - Folder name where your adverts sits
Example: If you wish to search for adverts that sit in organisation level ''De Beauvoir Cars'' the example below will give you below search results of name campaign folders within this organisation and the amount of adverts you have in each folder.
To see the 24 adverts that sit under campaign folder ''Autotrader Account'' (as shown above) you will need to click on the name of campaign name itself. You should see all adverts as shown below.
You can also do the same thing by searching by CAMPAIGN NAME.
NOTE: In this case, check that the adverts are not hidden, or that you have an ad blocker running on your browser.
Hidden Adverts: If you have enabled adverts to be hidden than you will not see them in your search result unless you click on .
Example: This is an example of a search results screen where “show hidden adverts” has not been turned on.
Ad Blocker: AdBlock is running on page If this sign is shown next to your browser information or address field
Click on the sign to make sure Ad Blocker is turned off and not running on the page:
Find Advert by:
B) Organisation level - Branch/Department/Location within your business structure
Campaign name - Folder name where your adverts sits
Advert name - (Specific) Name you have given to your advert
Phone number - The telephone number that is associated to your advert
Media - Type of media (ie TV, web, posters) your advert will be used in/on.
Media title - Detailed specification of your Media. For example Social (Media) - Facebook (Media title)
Created by -The name of the person in your business with a Calltracks login who has created this advert.
Example: If you wish to search for adverts by telephone number that you know is associated to it.
Find Advert by:
C) Tagged with -If you have used the tagging functionality to identify your adverts, you can search by tags.
Example: In the example below we want to search for adverts we have labelled in the ''Department'' and as ''Sales''.
Keywords: Advert, Adverts,