How to create a new 'Route plan'
Click on 'NUMBERS' -> 'Route Plans' -> 'New Route Plans'
Select the relevant Org Level, name your new route plan e.g. Call Centre. Enter the destination phone number.
Click 'share this route plan with organisation levels that fall under this one?' if you wish to allow Org levels below this one to also have access to this route plan.
For more in-depth details refer to 'Destination number/Route plan - How to route your calls'
Update a route plan destination telephone number
Please note that any changes you make to a Route Plan will be reflected in all adverts that route to this number including Dynamic Numbers.
Go to 'NUMBERS' and select 'Route plans'
Find the route plan you want to edit and click on the pencil on the right of the screen. Please note if you do not see an edit pencil this is because you need to be a Super Administrator to make these amendments.
Update the destination phone number by entering the new phone number.
Once you have clicked save this will immediately re-route all static and dynamic numbers linked to the route plan you have updated.
Update an existing advert with a different route plan
Go to your existing advert click on the pencil on the right side of the page.
In the advert screen select another route plan from the drop down list.
Once you have clicked save this will immediately re-route this static number to the new destination number.
Keywords: Route Plan, Route Plans, Call Routing, Number Destination, Routing option